A shocking murder shatters the picturesque calm of Pennsylvania's Amish country -- and tests the heart and soul of the lawyer who steps in to defend the young woman at the center of the storm....
About the Author
She was born and raised -happily-on Long Island...something that she believed at first was a detriment to a girl who wanted to be a writer. "I had such an uneventful childhood that when I was taking writing classes at college, I called home and asked my mother if maybe there might have been a little incest or domestic abuse on the side that she'd

forgotten about," Picoult recalls. "It took me a while to realize that I already did have something to write about - that solid core of family, and the knotty tangle of relationships, which I keep coming back to in my books." She and Tim and their three children live in Hanover, New Hampshire with a dog, a rabbit, two Jersey calves, and the occasional Holstein.
Critical Praise
"A Witness-meets-Agnes of God courtroom thriller… both absorbing and affecting."—Entertainment Weekly
"Appealing, suspenseful… Reads like a cross between the Harrison Ford movie Witness and Scott Turow's novel Presumed Innocent, with a dose of television's The Practice thrown in to spice up the legal dilemmas."—Arizona Republic