A Thousand Splendid Suns tells the story two women against the background of the last forty years in Afghanistan. Mariam was born an illegitimate child in 1959 and was married off to a man from Kabul when she was 15. Her husband was abusive and cruel and he forced her to wear a burqa even though many liberal women in Kabul were free to go without it. Laila was born just before the Russian invasion and had dreams of a life of education and travel. A bomb kills most of her family and she recovers from her wounds in Mariam's house. While the woman bond, Mariam's husband has his eyes on Laila. With the emergence of the Taliban, the women have few options, if any. Review of books
Mariam is a 15 year old girl when the book begins. The story centers around her and the events of her life as they intertwine with Laila.
Nana is Mariam's mother, who used to be a servant in Jalil's house and had an affair with him. He built her a kolba (small hut) to live in and raise Mariam.
Mullah Faizullah is Mariam's elderly Koran teacher and friend.
Jalil is Mariam's father, a man who had three wives before he had an affair with Nana. Marries Mariam to Rasheed, but later regrets sending her away.
Laila is a young, beautiful, educated girl coming from an upper class family when first introduced. Her life becomes tied with Mariam's when she is forced into marrying Rasheed, Mariam's husband.
Rasheed is the villain of the story. Rasheed marries Mariam through an arrangement with her father and later marries Laila by deceiving her.
Tariq is a boy that grew up in Kabul with Laila. They were best friends and eventually lovers.
Aziza is the daughter of Laila and Tariq, conceived when Laila was 14 and causing her to marry Rasheed.
Zalmai is Laila and Rasheed's son.
About the Author
While in medical practice, Khaled Hosseini began writing his first novel,

The Kite Runner, in March of 2001. In 2003, The Kite Runner, was published and has since become an international bestseller, published in 38 countries. In 2006 he was named a goodwill envoy to UNHCR, the
United Nations Refugee Agency. His second novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns was published in May of 2007. He lives in northern California.