How Jim Fergus came across the idea for "Wild Girl"
Fergus was traveling in Mexico. In the village of Casas Grandes in the state of Chihuahua, he met an old man who told him the story of a young Apache girl they called la ni-a bronca, who had been treed in the mountains by the hound dogs of an American mountain-lion hunter in 1932. He didn't know what to do with her, so he brought her into town. She was so wild that she tried to bite anyone who touched her, so they tossed her into jail. Apaches played a sort of mythic part in the beliefs of the Mexican populace, and there were a lot of people who came to see her out of sheer curiosity. So many that the sheriff was able to charge admission, and the old man, at the time a young boy was among those who paid to see her. He confessed his story with shame to Fergus. And he would not say what happened to the girl. Fergus concludes, "I couldn’t get the story of la ni-a bronca out of my mind, and I knew I had to find out for myself what happened to her. In this way the novel was born." Thus proving that sometimes, seeing how sausage is made is actually appetizing. And that history need not be dry or matter of fact. more
Discussion Questions
1. Who was you favorite character?
2. Did the character of Tolley, a vocal, flamboyant homosexual, surprise you considering the time period of the 1930's?
3. Did you feel that Ned and the Wild Girl relationship ended with the right choice?
4. How sympathetic toward Joseph/Goso where you when you found out what his role was in capturing Charlie?
5. Considering this book was written in the perspective of a man and 1,000 White Women was written in the perspective of a women, which was more believable? Which did you like better?