Tiffany, Kate, Cathy and Ariane met Franz Wisner and his brother Kurt at the Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe. They were talking about their new book "How the World Makes Love". It was fun hearing them speak since we felt we knew them from their book "Honeymoon with My Brother". Then we had drinks at Max's Bar. Great night, wonderful company, a memory to cherish.

Our next book is Wicked by Gregory McGuire. Think we talked about May 8th but I think Tiff can't make it.
After spending a very fun Thursday night talking about traveling and kids, I thought this would be an interesting read for a future book --http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/15/books/15horse.html?_r=1&th&emc=th
Rupert Isaacson "The Horse Boy" doesn't fit our requirement - out in paperback as it is just being released but maybe at the end of the year or so?
I saw the review yesterday too and was thinking the same thing.
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